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NY Ballot Proposal 1 2022

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The State Department of Environmental Conservation regards potential Environmental Justice Areas as meeting or exceeding at least one of the following statistical thresholds:


— At least 51.1 percent of the population in an urban area reported themselves to be members of minority groups.

— At least 33.8 percent of the population in a rural area reported themselves to be members of minority groups; or

— At least 23.59 percent of the population in an urban or rural area had household incomes below the federal poverty level.

NY Ballot Proposal 2021

We want to make sure you help us make voting easier to protect our districts. FLIP your ballot and vote YES on 1, 3, 4

Here are all 5 proposals here for the 2021 Ballot Proposals.

Proposal 1 (Amending the Apportionment and Redistricting Process)


This proposed constitutional amendment would freeze the number of state senators at 63, amend the process for the counting of the state's population, delete certain provisions that violate the United States Constitution, repeal and amend certain requirements for the appointment of the co-executive directors of the redistricting commission and amend the manner of drawing district lines for congressional and state legislative offices. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?


Proposal 2 (Right to Clean Air, Clean Water, and a Healthful Environment)


The proposed amendment to Article 1 of the New York Constitution would establish the right of each person to clean air and water and a healthful environment. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?


Proposal 3 (Eliminating Ten-Day-Advance Voter Registration Requirement)


The proposed amendment would delete the current requirement in Article 2, § 5 that a citizen be registered to vote at least ten days before an election and would allow the Legislature to enact laws permitting a citizen to register to vote less than ten days before the election. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?


Proposal 4 (Authorizing No-Excuse Absentee Ballot Voting)


The proposed amendment would delete from the current provision on absentee ballots the requirement that an absentee voter must be unable to appear at the polls by reason of absence from the county or illness or physical disability. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?


Proposal 5 (Increasing the Jurisdiction of the New York City Civil Court)


The proposed amendment would increase the New York City Civil Court's jurisdiction by allowing it to heard and decide claims for up to $50,000 instead of the current jurisdictional limit of $25,000. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?

(Nassau County BOE)

The Ballot Initiatives update


By Rachel Holliday Smith on November 9, 2021 5:44 pm

As we've previously noted, New Yorkers tend to approve ballot questions most of the time. But not this year.

Three of the five ballot proposals in the general election got shot down, including two that would have paved the way for same-day voter registration and no-excuse absentee ballots.

How did this happen? The Albany Times Union and The New York Times uncovered some answers. In short: Republicans spent time and money urging voters to specifically nix Proposals 1, 3 and 4 — and turnout in rural and suburban counties against the ballot questions couldn't make up for anemic support in urban areas​​.

Plus, New York's Democratic Party hardly put up a fight.

When asked about the proposals, party Chairman Jay Jacobs said nobody asked him to fund a campaign supporting the proposals — so he didn't, the Times Union reported.

"Maybe, in that sense, the ball was dropped, but I will tell you that is not something that came to my attention," Jacobs said.

Defeated With Prop 1: Fixing New York's Prison Gerrymandering Problem 

The defeat of the Redistricting Changes Amendment keeps prison gerrymandering in place for the state's Congressional maps since incarcerated persons will only be reallocated for assembly and senate redistricting. According to New York Law School's Jeff Wice, the legislature would need to enact legislation to add congressional districts to the reallocation law that already allows this process for the Assembly and Senate. For more information please visit:

Elmont Cultural Center Redistricting Coalition (ECCRC)

By Mimi Pierre Johnson

As we think about the future for the next ten years, we want to make sure communities stay together in fair and equitable districts.

Our Stayedwide coalitions with diverse trusted partners are working diligently towards that end. Here is an excellent way to help understand the mapping process and make sure our voices are heard and our maps are fair. Help us to spread the word and protect our future. We need to choose our representatives and not allow them to choose us.

CUNY Mapping Center New York Tool: The Mapping Service at the  CUNY Graduate Center has launched a New York-specific version of its "Redistricting & You" online map, making it easy to compare proposed Independent Redistricting Commission proposed districts with existing lines. The map displays the "Names" and "Letters" district plans from the Commission compared with current congressional, state senate, and assembly districts. The map is fully interactive.

(provided by NY Law School) 


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