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516 362-3027
The Cultural Center a gateway for organizing and mobilizing to address issues that affect our lives.
“Organizing together we are strong”
"òganize ansanm nou fò"
"organizando Somos Fuertes"
The fitness club was founded by our Vice President Stan Johnson who chose to start the Fitness Club after so many were inspired by his training progress. In general, we in the minority communities are affected by poor health issues and with the Covid-19 pandemic affecting pre-existing conditions, we should all be motivated to do our best to live a healthy lifestyle. This club is perfect for couch potatoes, beginner athletes, or professional athletes. We train together, we motivate each other and we grow together!
Sign up now! Join an exciting and growing club!
We walk we runWe move | The Club is growingThe paths to keep moving | We JumpWe keep moving |
Join the the teamWe do it for better health |
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